Regression II

Week 03, Fall 2023


This week we will continue discussing the supervised learning regression task. This week we will introduce a new nonparametric method, decision trees. We’ll also begin dealing with regression problems that include several feature variables.

Learning Objectives

After completing this week, you are expected to be able to:

  • Use decision trees to make predictions for pre-processed data.
  • Use linear models, k-nearest neighbors, and decision trees for regression tasks with multiple features.


Link Source
Week 03 Concept Scribbles Course Website
Week 03 Notebook [ Rendered Notebook ] Course Website


Head to ClassTranscribe to watch lecture recordings. They are arranged by date in the Lecture Capture Recordings playlist.


Assignment Deadline Credit
Lab 02 [ Template ] Thursday, September 14 100%
Homework 02 Thursday, September 14 105%

Office Hours

Staff Day Time Location
David Wednesday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Zoom
Lahari Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 0228 Siebel Center (Basement) [ Queue ]
Eunice Thursday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 0228 Siebel Center (Basement) [ Queue ]